Theme Big: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Pole Class!

Continuing my themed pole posts, this is a 60-minute pole class plan based on the TV show The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Grab your weirdest pole sisters and give it a try!

General instructions:

  • Dress up! Put on your gothiest attire! I love the style choices in Sabrina, and it was so fun to recreate Dorcas’ look for this class:

  • Both sides! As a physical therapy student, I cannot stress enough how many injuries are caused by muscle imbalances. Do yourself a huge favor and always do both sides, even if one of them is terrible.

  • How to scale the class to your level: If you are a beginner, I suggest doing moves from the floor without climbing up the pole, or only doing from one climb up. If you are an advanced student, challenge yourself by putting your pole on spin mode or by focusing on your non-dominant side (ideally everyone is doing both sides).


If you are following my playlist, the first 3 songs are for warm-up and conditioning.

Potential Pole Moves: 

Here is a list of potential moves at various levels, with the corresponding song in parenthesis. I like to do 2 combos for class, with only 2-3 new moves total (the rest are ones my students will have already learned or are simple to pick up). Click the hyperlink to see a photo or tutorial I found on the interwebs. 

Final Freestyle: Amen by ∆aimon

This song is a huge hit with my students and I often get asked after class what it was. Below I have included some inspiration: the delightfully slinky, seductive, and creepy Felicia Drake.

Would love to see any videos or photos if you try it at home or in your studio. Tag @valpolephant so I can see them!

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