Introducing Dr. Oliphant: reflecting on my DPT experience and announcing future plans!

Hi all! Wow, I can’t believe I have finished my Doctorate in Physical Therapy program! Looking back over my very first learning plan and reflection from school, it is remarkable how much I have learned and grown since starting this program. Over the past three years, I have made lasting friendships and found inspiring role models and mentors. I developed a strong foundation for evidence-based practice with the guidance of my professors, clinical instructors, and patients. The community at GWU is what has helped me most grow- the program has been supportive while challenging me to grow and improve, the professors are always there for us when needed, and the friends I have made through the program have encouraged me to think and study creatively.

So what’s next?? I am so excited to announce that I’m working at Rose PT in Washington, DC at their Navy Yard location (right next to the Trapeze School)! I have already begun my continuing education and am learning all about circus medicine and physical therapy from the one and only Circus Doc (the amazing Dr. Emily Scherb). I honestly thought I’d have to pay my dues a bit more before being able to work with circus artists and pole dancers for PT so I am so so so excited and grateful that Rose PT is totally on board with letting me jump into this course and pursue my passions! I already completed my training for pelvic floor physical therapy, with one of my internships focusing on it. I can’t wait to have a great and varied caseload and be able to treat the body holistically, whether you’re someone struggling with urinary incontinence or trying to maximize your performance skills.

I am also super grateful and happy to be able to continue dancing professionally with Alchemy Performing Arts and elsewhere around the lovely DC dance and circus community! <3

If you have any questions at all about physical therapy, dance, or DPT programs, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send me a private message via the connect page!

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